Friday, August 11, 2006

Into this

 Drop Deep into this one heart love


Peace & wisdom and Joy resound in

all the earth at the core of Life


the pain & sorrow & fear with the

great suffering hang like a cloud

across all the earth,  Can you

see the light?  Always it is

there when you look with

the sight.  Can you feel

this pain held back,  dammed

up. It is a crime to hold

such power,  And yet What to do

with such a great & powerful

w e i g h t    Leaden like in its

consistency,  It shields  radiation


Fire Burns  Brightly

Allow this great attractiveness

The waves continually move


oh my heart you have carried such

pain , known such Joy, held such

dreams  wishes & visions. 

Battered & healed over & over, you have

carried the scars of this, you

have been  Blessed  by this

grace knows the wisdom of

  life unfolds into this your

  u n d e r s t a n d I n g .  Peace

peace within yourself for all

that is,  What of non Peace,

what of the less than ?  I crumble

& stagger as one drunken & broken

bent over with  d i s p a i r  & pain.


The Dragon Roars Fiery

passion Fiery  Passion of

Life.  This could be my undoing,

this could be my salvation

this could really save the

planet.  This this is understanding

your heart Follows your innermost

Wishes.  Can you feel the

tingling of Life in your every cell

This is the call of life

the ebb & Flow if the

tides of resonant beauty of

the comings & goings  ..


Waiting & moving, Pounding on

the doors of your existence

Drifting and searching and

resting   oh  SO solid.


This life, this body, this

wonderful ununderstandablness


Fully inhabiting  existence

happens  constantly as

Life is as it is


tears hover just below the surface

the gentle rain blesses the ground


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