Wednesday, October 15, 2003


What's the reality of all this?

You want to escape, you want to evolve, you want to go unconscious, you want to do the work that is to be done. You want Peace, - sense of Freedom, Joy . Great understanding. you hold both . . . . all these places and senses
and thru all this it unfolds
and thru all this you are loved
and thru all this you are lovable
and thru all this you are safe

this is true, whatever you think is going on.

Wednesday, October 01, 2003


Stillness and Action, Power & Flow
the unfoldmenting of your Life

Joyous Joyous Life experince
of Being alive
in your L i f e

Passionatly the overflowing
of Love Pours Down
into the painful places
that need healing
allow it to flow
allow it to be say YES
yes to Life
YES to your Life
Living in Gratitude
Blessed Blessing

All peace to all
All Joy to all
All Love to all
Devine Dance
Mystical Union
that is your Life

Living it, ~ no more, no less,
that is it, that is enough

You are Blessed
Simply for Being You

Say YES to you
Say YES to your Life
Say YES to Life