Thursday, April 22, 2004


From tension and forcedness to
Flow & Joy . With Flow &
Joy is also sadness & Fear
tinge of hate . The energetic I sense
in my Body . That which is
mine , that which is of the world
in the world . Life … seeing life .
the trees alive coming in to
bud, Leaves bursting forth And
as I look at that , already
contained within that is the
Ending of that tree, the life
Force no longer flowing thru
it in that form . the Branches
& trunk will decay, rot, transform
and go into the ground
or be taken off by human, or
other animals , for food or shelter

Humans have too the gift &
possibility of enshrining it
of taking that object, that particular
material form and Being conscious,
grateful , in awe of the life
in that . the Devine nature of
all things , of everything . And so,
Day follows night , and the seasons
Move one to another
and pain, destruction, transformation
are part of Life. And,
whatever you do , the Grand
plan & Big Vision Fullfilled, or
the ‘small acts’ of living, interacting
one with another , I t will all
pass , your life will pass .

Is your
life now how you would
like it to be ? Maybe yes,
maybe no & Even with what
you do and all material things
being exactly as you would
like, or not yet, Do you
have a kindly, compassionate
attitude to your Life ? To you
as you are, as you have been .
So too other people & Beings.

It’s hard sometimes, when I really
look at how the world is
and all the Destruction it contains,
when I really look at me, at
the reality of how I am, how
I hold myself the not beautiful,
the un resolved, the aggressive &
painful parts & places . I hear a
plane going over, I see the things
I have which have been made
with such great cost to & pollution
of the planet . I feel the scream
of NO , and … what if I
were to really feel that,
what would I experience
would my heart break, would
I want to kill myself in shame
& guilt disgust, would I live
and become a hermit , nomad
earth dweller . Yet the lie of that …?
Is that coping out ..? Can I breathe
In consciousness . Each Breath
with Love gratitude compassion
being present to what is,
accepting what is, allowing what
is … and … praying for ..
Peace .

To see & love a tree
may be easy . Can I see &
love the planet as it is, and
the people, who in pain &
ignorance and Fear cause that violence & pain

I choose the way of love
and am open to feel
what it is that is
Needed for me to feel,
as I am held and
guided by love , by the Christ
and all unseen Beings – I give thanks for Life


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