Friday, September 01, 2006

the beloved life

Like multicoloured shapes of light
slow drifting like snow falling, circling
this beautiful dance of Light
I feel in my Body the energies
of Life in all its dimensions
contained within this human form .
With age and death the motion
changes and the density of the
light changes according to the
perception and according to 'the
work' done in this and past
lives. In some the light shines
clearer and stronger
increasing in amount,& quality &
spaciousness - this light is the
light of Life - can you see the
light . Brilliant & dazzling
and oh SO joyful
such beauty brings a seeing of
the pain of attachment and
a great full ness of understanding
this Life from within
this life & existence ~
see the Life
inside, closed eyes, outside
eyes open - can you see
the Light 'nourishing' or
'not nourishing' can you
see the light can you
hear the sound can you
feel the breath
exploding Breath by Breath
into life on the shore
of your existence
unbidden it comes
awakening to Life
you know with no effort
purely existing within all
that you are & experience
no where to go , nothing to do
nothing to get right or wrong
it is simply moving thru
existence , thru time & space
thru your Life as you
live day by day in the
struggle & joys pain & ecstasy
feeling & not feeling , open & closed
Dance now the dance of
life that circulates within
& throughout your body
& all existence
This is the beloved life
which you seek and,
all along it is seeking
you, requesting you to
wake up to the reality
which truly truly already is
This your life this

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