Friday, August 18, 2006

Follow Now


Peace             Peace             Peace

every breath  declares  the

innocence  of  all  Beings

Known unto themselves

they rest in the source

of Life in their essential

selves .  one  upon  another

they understand . And  Life blossoms

once again  in   the   hearts  of

all  beings  Knowing & understanding .

understand this  Know this

to  be  true  to  life


The inestimable   the one

the life  of   all   things

that  are  to  come   and

that   are  to  be    alive

open in the heart  Knowing

Divine connections  &  communion

with in all  things  all

this  life , this  human existence


Ah soul  divine  Beauteous

Powerful  passionate   essence

of   Life , the Divine

Dance of all that is  in

The hearts  of   all  that is


Nothing to know , nothing to understand

Life   belies  the   maker  of   plans

for, in the end the unKnowable

takes  place  and   you  will

be  face  to  face   to   .   . .

your maker ,  to     . . . .   Life

. . .  to  . . .    existence    . . . within

the   resonance   which  has

no  form  other  than  all  the

form that is  and   all  that

is  not  of  form .  In this

rest   in  this   Place

which  even   now  you try to

g r a s p   &   cannot  . . .  except

that you know it in every cell


this is the wisdom of knowing

the mystery of the Mystic,  the

seeing of the seer ,  this is Life !

Alive   to   this   dance   thru

your  days  &   nights  thru  all

the time  &   timelessness  of

your life  .  Uphold  this

even in your   darkest moments

and in your loftiest  most

successful  ideals  &  dreams

  manifest  or not manifest in

the form  world  of physical

reality  .  follow  now  more  closely

your   heart  .  Burn   thru

the veils  of  illusion ,  sink

deep  in  to   the  embrace  of

the Universe  the heart  of

Life  which  gives  & is  . .

Such    Joy    .   consolation  &

C e l e b r a t I o n

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