Thursday, September 14, 2006

celebrating and mourning

I pull up to peace . . . a place ~
Destination to reach  . . .  yes  & NO .
Trusting the first impulse recognition
my   clear   sharp    awareness   soft
o p e n    respectfull   available
responsive  ,  in  this  moment  now ..
and now  again  the  grasping and
a   releasing ,  new life  energy flowing
softening   opening   dissolving ~ Loving
loving   this   moment    called  now .
repetitive phrases – alive or dead  . Yes.


Who  I am   in    all  this,   that
is   a    question !!   open  and available
to   this ,  to   this   life     this   instant
many    places      .   plans  expectations
interruptions  ...  interrupting  what ?  Part of
the  flow     o f      L i f e   .    Joyous
expectation  of  the   Divine  . .  .   and
sadness  & ecstasy   play on the surface
of my life .  . . .    giving myself to  this
to this    instant   of  trust   of
gratitude ,  poignancy     pregnant  & alive ,


Hope springs eternal , arises in my soul
the  long  lost   expectation  of life’s
understanding of itself  unto itself.
The mystery of these words ,
these   worlds
within  worlds  of
greatfull passionate  aliveness.
touching with intimacy the depths of
connection   within   awakening
this  possibility   of  life  experience
which  begins  and will end
at  some point   and   now
carries  forward   the more
conscious  recognition  of   Joyous
opening  & connecting  ~  meaningful &
meaningless .     What   are  the
dreams , wishes  expectations , desires
& needs   which   dance  on
the edges  of    consciousness?
Such longing   fulfilled , in  one
instant  ,  for an instant  .
can this feeding  be more of
an ongoing  daily day to day
experience   .  with  another?

First get this ,  get this life
which you already know .  Celebrate
this ,  this existence  which you
daily dance  in  .  Respond  to the
call of awakening  and the overflow 
of the wave of life  moving thru
this your precious  precious  life.
in    this    moment 
now .

Chose to wake up, choose to
choose this   the Joy of it  the
joy of it   as the   waves  of ecstasy
& pain ,  pain and ecstasy  wash
over & thru your life ,  all
life experiences  in this
one  place  of now  ,  in this
profound  simple   complex   profane
Life     .In this    magnificent   Life
  oh  so    wondrous   , 

the pain  & ecstasy  ,  these
waves of desire , longing  resistance
and attachment      stronger and less
strong  -  These   are  the  places  &
soil  of      your   Life    existence
pilling up   & wearing   away   all
            is      r e v e a l e d  ~

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