Thursday, December 07, 2006

enter the cauldron of life, of certain death

 The simple sweet taste of Love.  It cuts thru
oh so gently powerfully , imperceptibly.  This
I Know   to be   true   beyond doubt .
All else pales in comparison to this
wondrous gift .      As a human being
I have my struggles, desires, wishes, longings
& regrets which, at times seem to be
all that there is .  In this, this forgetting
I am simply part of the waves of life,
the process of   belonging  & longing to belong.
In this, this soul longing, can I enter
fully the cauldron of living this Life?
sometimes it seems so, at other times
I seem to shrink  and hide  & run
away.  At these times  sometimes I get it
that this is happening and have a
great love and compassion for
myself in this condition, at other
times I harden against myself
and go to war against being
this way. Acceptance of myself, as I
am, yet with the potential & Knowledge
of Energy flowing where I choose to
focus,  with this understanding

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Wisdom arises from the Depth of my heart

Peace in every cell, manifestation of

the Divine at work in every action

The coming & going, irrespective of

outcome, this dance of Life -

this extraordinary Life. Death into

life, this human body, frail body

miracle of existence right

here within the space of this

flesh and bones . Coming alive,

coming alive to Life . One

beating heart moment upon

moment. resting here , in this

place opening & closing within

each Breath and thru each

breath moment across each

breath I rise and fall,

connected to all that is .

This is so, and I know this

to be so . . no matter what.

So often I have stretched out

stretched up to a place of grasping

towards, looking towards some future

time of place when some hoped

for wish will be fulfilled. And,

though it may be so, somehow

I have left myself left this

place this 'home' , this place

where I am . Seeing & sensing

this beauty that could be ,

can I stay with the beauty

that is of this moment right

now, the perfect beauty that

is here right now with all

that it is and all that it

is not.

Oh heavenly father

Divine mother

words that contain

so much, can I drop

away to inhabit this

existence as it is.

beauteous in perfection

beauteous imperfection

There is So much I would like

to do, accomplish, achieve and

I have had much struggle with

many things and areas. And, now
more than anything else I would
like to simply open to being
at peace a core peace
no matter what. - as it is,
as it could be and with
the journey of more or less
with the ease or difficulty
the pain or Joy the constant
shifting of life -
well in myself or not, healthy or
not, full of energy or not
within and thru all this,
day to day life can I know
this core Peace of
existence . knowing this I have
such gratitude

My future life ; tightening .
this life now ; opening & dropping
and then, in now, the future
already is a blessing

Mon 4 December 2006 - Marldon - fullmooon

the future already is a blessing

Wisdom arises from the Depth of my heart

Peace in every cell, manifestation of

the Divine  at  work  in every  action

The coming & going, irrespective of

outcome,   this  dance  of  Life  -

this extraordinary Life.  Death into

life, this human body, frail body

miracle of existence   right

here within the space  of this

flesh  and  bones .  Coming  alive,

coming alive to Life .  One

beating heart moment upon

moment.  resting  here  ,  in this

place   opening  &   closing  within

each  Breath  and thru  each

breath  moment  across each

breath  I  rise  and  fall,

connected  to  all that is  .

This is  so,  and  I know  this

to be  so  . .  no matter what.

So often I have  stretched out

stretched up to a place of grasping

towards,  looking towards  some future

time of place  when some hoped

for wish will be fulfilled. And,

though it may be so, somehow

I have left myself  left this

place  this  'home' , this place

where I am .  Seeing & sensing

this beauty that  could  be  ,

can I stay with the beauty

that is of this moment  right

now, the perfect beauty that

is here right now with all

that it is  and all that it

is   not.


            Oh heavenly father

            Divine mother

            words that contain

            so much, can I drop

            away to inhabit this

            existence as it is.

            beauteous in perfection

            beauteous imperfection



There is So much I would like

to do, accomplish,  achieve  and

I have had much struggle with

many things and areas.  And, now
more than anything else I would
like to simply open to being
at peace    a core peace
no  matter  what.  - as it is,
as it could be  and with
the journey of more or less
with the ease or difficulty
the pain or Joy  the constant
shifting of life  -
well in myself or not, healthy  or
not,  full of energy  or not
within and thru all this,
day to day life   can I know
this core  Peace   of
existence  . knowing this I have
such   gratitude 



My future life ;  tightening .
this life now ; opening & dropping
and then, in now,  the future
already  is  a   blessing



Mon 4  December 2006   -  Marldon -  fullmooon

Monday, December 04, 2006

Wisdom arises from the Depth of my heart

Peace in every cell, manifestation of

the Divine at work in every action

The coming & going, irrespective of

outcome, this dance of Life -

this extraordinary Life. Death into

life, this human body, frail body

miracle of existence right

here within the space of this

flesh and bones . Coming alive,

coming alive to Life . One

beating heart moment upon

moment. resting here , in this

place opening & closing within

each Breath and thru each

breath moment across each

breath I rise and fall,

connected to all that is .

This is so, and I know this

to be so . . no matter what.

So often I have stretched out

stretched up to a place of grasping

towards, looking towards some future

time of place when some hoped

for wish will be fulfilled. And,

though it may be so, somehow

I have left myself left this

place this 'home' , this place

where I am . Seeing & sensing

this beauty that could be ,

can I stay with the beauty

that is of this moment right

now, the perfect beauty that

is here right now with all

that it is and all that it

is not.

Oh heavenly father

Divine mother

words that contain

so much, can I drop

away to inhabit this

existence as it is.

beauteous in perfection

beauteous imperfection

There is So much I would like

to do, accomplish, achieve and

I have had much struggle with

many things and areas. And, now
more than anything else I would
like to simply open to being
at peace a core peace
no matter what. - as it is,
as it could be and with
the journey of more or less
with the ease or difficulty
the pain or Joy the constant
shifting of life -
well in myself or not, healthy or
not, full of energy or not
within and thru all this,
day to day life can I know
this core Peace of
existence . knowing this I have
such gratitude

My future life ; tightening .
this life now ; opening & dropping
and then, in now, the future
already is a blessing

Mon 4 December 2006 - Marldon - fullmooon

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Point of Balance


Masculine & Feminine

The dance of Life



Similar & different



in this heartful Life



re emerging from seeming










life continues this Joyous


Saturday, September 16, 2006

stuff . .. is stuff ( and yes, I seem to be chucking out stuff from boxes, and metaphorical emotional boxes a lot at the moment) AND whatever I think . . . I like, or don't like ( stuff : people, things, places .. ) and try successfully or not to get rid of . .. and whether I do or not . .. and whether 'simple' or 'complex' always .. *always* there is this one simple breath ... which is always there . .. when I take the time to notice it . .. THIS is the simple life . . again and again I return to . . the rest ... the rest, happy or unhappy passes ... simple or complex passes, one moment to one moment .. I cling, I let go . . it ALL passes . . . AND with this knowing deepening . . ( of this ... simple life) remembering, waking up to this more now, I start to play with the little material things . .. and the relationships . . more freely . . . . and ride thru the pain and sorry joy and ecstasy of this .... life

Thursday, September 14, 2006

celebrating and mourning

I pull up to peace . . . a place ~
Destination to reach  . . .  yes  & NO .
Trusting the first impulse recognition
my   clear   sharp    awareness   soft
o p e n    respectfull   available
responsive  ,  in  this  moment  now ..
and now  again  the  grasping and
a   releasing ,  new life  energy flowing
softening   opening   dissolving ~ Loving
loving   this   moment    called  now .
repetitive phrases – alive or dead  . Yes.


Who  I am   in    all  this,   that
is   a    question !!   open  and available
to   this ,  to   this   life     this   instant
many    places      .   plans  expectations
interruptions  ...  interrupting  what ?  Part of
the  flow     o f      L i f e   .    Joyous
expectation  of  the   Divine  . .  .   and
sadness  & ecstasy   play on the surface
of my life .  . . .    giving myself to  this
to this    instant   of  trust   of
gratitude ,  poignancy     pregnant  & alive ,


Hope springs eternal , arises in my soul
the  long  lost   expectation  of life’s
understanding of itself  unto itself.
The mystery of these words ,
these   worlds
within  worlds  of
greatfull passionate  aliveness.
touching with intimacy the depths of
connection   within   awakening
this  possibility   of  life  experience
which  begins  and will end
at  some point   and   now
carries  forward   the more
conscious  recognition  of   Joyous
opening  & connecting  ~  meaningful &
meaningless .     What   are  the
dreams , wishes  expectations , desires
& needs   which   dance  on
the edges  of    consciousness?
Such longing   fulfilled , in  one
instant  ,  for an instant  .
can this feeding  be more of
an ongoing  daily day to day
experience   .  with  another?

First get this ,  get this life
which you already know .  Celebrate
this ,  this existence  which you
daily dance  in  .  Respond  to the
call of awakening  and the overflow 
of the wave of life  moving thru
this your precious  precious  life.
in    this    moment 
now .

Chose to wake up, choose to
choose this   the Joy of it  the
joy of it   as the   waves  of ecstasy
& pain ,  pain and ecstasy  wash
over & thru your life ,  all
life experiences  in this
one  place  of now  ,  in this
profound  simple   complex   profane
Life     .In this    magnificent   Life
  oh  so    wondrous   , 

the pain  & ecstasy  ,  these
waves of desire , longing  resistance
and attachment      stronger and less
strong  -  These   are  the  places  &
soil  of      your   Life    existence
pilling up   & wearing   away   all
            is      r e v e a l e d  ~

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

wisdom and desire

In each moment wisdom arises
follow the prompting of your heart
this and only this will
quench the flame of desire
and all else other than
the impulse of love  fall away.
Notice in this being human
the constant play of emotions .
Stir the pot, with life
and allow the settling to take place
over time the soup will cook

Monday, September 11, 2006


there is a wisdom in life contained in all things

opening and closing happens constantly

I understand the truth of this instant

again and again I drop into this place of loving this moment this instant

the divine mother blesses all

Friday, September 01, 2006

the beloved life

Like multicoloured shapes of light
slow drifting like snow falling, circling
this beautiful dance of Light
I feel in my Body the energies
of Life in all its dimensions
contained within this human form .
With age and death the motion
changes and the density of the
light changes according to the
perception and according to 'the
work' done in this and past
lives. In some the light shines
clearer and stronger
increasing in amount,& quality &
spaciousness - this light is the
light of Life - can you see the
light . Brilliant & dazzling
and oh SO joyful
such beauty brings a seeing of
the pain of attachment and
a great full ness of understanding
this Life from within
this life & existence ~
see the Life
inside, closed eyes, outside
eyes open - can you see
the Light 'nourishing' or
'not nourishing' can you
see the light can you
hear the sound can you
feel the breath
exploding Breath by Breath
into life on the shore
of your existence
unbidden it comes
awakening to Life
you know with no effort
purely existing within all
that you are & experience
no where to go , nothing to do
nothing to get right or wrong
it is simply moving thru
existence , thru time & space
thru your Life as you
live day by day in the
struggle & joys pain & ecstasy
feeling & not feeling , open & closed
Dance now the dance of
life that circulates within
& throughout your body
& all existence
This is the beloved life
which you seek and,
all along it is seeking
you, requesting you to
wake up to the reality
which truly truly already is
This your life this

Friday, August 18, 2006

Follow Now


Peace             Peace             Peace

every breath  declares  the

innocence  of  all  Beings

Known unto themselves

they rest in the source

of Life in their essential

selves .  one  upon  another

they understand . And  Life blossoms

once again  in   the   hearts  of

all  beings  Knowing & understanding .

understand this  Know this

to  be  true  to  life


The inestimable   the one

the life  of   all   things

that  are  to  come   and

that   are  to  be    alive

open in the heart  Knowing

Divine connections  &  communion

with in all  things  all

this  life , this  human existence


Ah soul  divine  Beauteous

Powerful  passionate   essence

of   Life , the Divine

Dance of all that is  in

The hearts  of   all  that is


Nothing to know , nothing to understand

Life   belies  the   maker  of   plans

for, in the end the unKnowable

takes  place  and   you  will

be  face  to  face   to   .   . .

your maker ,  to     . . . .   Life

. . .  to  . . .    existence    . . . within

the   resonance   which  has

no  form  other  than  all  the

form that is  and   all  that

is  not  of  form .  In this

rest   in  this   Place

which  even   now  you try to

g r a s p   &   cannot  . . .  except

that you know it in every cell


this is the wisdom of knowing

the mystery of the Mystic,  the

seeing of the seer ,  this is Life !

Alive   to   this   dance   thru

your  days  &   nights  thru  all

the time  &   timelessness  of

your life  .  Uphold  this

even in your   darkest moments

and in your loftiest  most

successful  ideals  &  dreams

  manifest  or not manifest in

the form  world  of physical

reality  .  follow  now  more  closely

your   heart  .  Burn   thru

the veils  of  illusion ,  sink

deep  in  to   the  embrace  of

the Universe  the heart  of

Life  which  gives  & is  . .

Such    Joy    .   consolation  &

C e l e b r a t I o n

Friday, August 11, 2006

Into this

 Drop Deep into this one heart love


Peace & wisdom and Joy resound in

all the earth at the core of Life


the pain & sorrow & fear with the

great suffering hang like a cloud

across all the earth,  Can you

see the light?  Always it is

there when you look with

the sight.  Can you feel

this pain held back,  dammed

up. It is a crime to hold

such power,  And yet What to do

with such a great & powerful

w e i g h t    Leaden like in its

consistency,  It shields  radiation


Fire Burns  Brightly

Allow this great attractiveness

The waves continually move


oh my heart you have carried such

pain , known such Joy, held such

dreams  wishes & visions. 

Battered & healed over & over, you have

carried the scars of this, you

have been  Blessed  by this

grace knows the wisdom of

  life unfolds into this your

  u n d e r s t a n d I n g .  Peace

peace within yourself for all

that is,  What of non Peace,

what of the less than ?  I crumble

& stagger as one drunken & broken

bent over with  d i s p a i r  & pain.


The Dragon Roars Fiery

passion Fiery  Passion of

Life.  This could be my undoing,

this could be my salvation

this could really save the

planet.  This this is understanding

your heart Follows your innermost

Wishes.  Can you feel the

tingling of Life in your every cell

This is the call of life

the ebb & Flow if the

tides of resonant beauty of

the comings & goings  ..


Waiting & moving, Pounding on

the doors of your existence

Drifting and searching and

resting   oh  SO solid.


This life, this body, this

wonderful ununderstandablness


Fully inhabiting  existence

happens  constantly as

Life is as it is


tears hover just below the surface

the gentle rain blesses the ground