Thursday, September 22, 2005


Two are become as one
Standing alone I hold the silver staff
Connected with the stars
Feet rooted to the fire of earth
all the universe exists in this moment
Safe, alive, well - powerFull, sufficient

Friday, September 09, 2005

Living and dying, this is life

   Peace   Peace  in
your    heart   Always
  holding  the Blessing of
the   Devine    washing
    away     all     fear

I breath  Deeper  into the
Knowing of Life  and
within this is the
soul solution to
all the problems of Life

Ecstasy is alive  in and within
every  nuance of Life
the pounding heart , the
waves of life beating on
the shore of my existence
in human form . The
ebb and flow of which is
a miracle  in its
unKnowginess .  Peace dances
 in it's aliveness . . . .  Power  and
Passion  Push  their way
through the Layers of
inertia to this place
where I am    now

And the drip  drip  drip
of my soul  understanding
gives rise to a peaceful
glory which contains all
dimensions and realities of
existence .  Past all
understanding  I  know
what there is to
Know   about   Life
In this human body,  precious
human body   I exist
now in and out of
time & space,  experiencing
the Devine, Human, spiritual
awakeningness  and sleepfulness
opening & closing,  Living
and Dying . .  This
is    Life

Holding and knowing difference to be

Hard edges arise in the world and in your life.  It is NOT  needed that you change them or sort them all out .   - you have them too !!  and . .  it is OK, also , that when you feel them or too many of them, you choose to turn away from that situation, thing, or relationship . . . be  coming simple  in the moment . It IS ok  that you notice & experience that 'pain', notice that its there .  Some people do not even know it is such . .  you do O F T E N  . .   ~  let the dying be such . .  the crumbling  & someday to the dissolution  & dissolving  that is also with in  Life.  Allow the ROAR . . . the raw  roar, to also be there . . .  Too much & to many times have you held  back form that too . .   as you have been around other peoples  waves of negativity  so  long  . . .~   It is now time,  to let this story go .  other peoples life pain is NOT yours,  and you do not need to enter into, enrol yourself in that being true,  nor do you need to persuade them it is not true.  It is ok to simply just listen observe -  detached  --  you do not need to allow yourself to be enrolled in their story, their reality  - or even search for a place or places where you can agree, it is simply  OK to watch and know it is their  truth.   nothing to do, or to have to feel bad about it.  You can, it is OK, it is your right to feel also the beauty, magic and Big picture . . .  Too long you allowed yourself to be pulled into their fear, and often been afraid or felt guilty that that story vision, understanding is not yours.  That you see & know the bigger & magical reality.  Its OK, it really is  OK that you know that.  In fact its  really important and a rare thing which you need to acknowledge allow and be in more; accept this, for this is who you are.  In this way you can be more direct in what you see & know as the truth, because with many people it may very well be different than them.  For some will understand  and that is & will be a gift for you and for them as you share your heartful, heartfelt vision of the bigger understanding of Life.  And you may well be surprised at who goes there & who does not.  Blessings to you and for you and those you meet.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Touched by love

Still in the forest
I am touched by love
the edges of the universe
all existence right here
right now in this place