As I let go of
the past and clear out
the clutter, I sense a
new energy emerging.
I open to and step into
the golden river
May whatever is in my best &
highest good come to me
fully, powerfully, completely, Joyfully,
easily and quickly (in the
perfect timing). I give thanks
for this my life now
simply being alive . I follow
the joy, the Bliss, of my life
and open to & do the things
I love, and connect
with . and interact with
the people where I get
the most YES .
and within Freedom
Love & compassion I
open to & live ~ expanding
into the rule less Life
unreasonable, passionate, undefended,
powerful, safe.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Step into the golden river
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
The future echoes are here
Holding and Letting go . . .
tight and released. Potential
is alive in ALL things .
Peace and Joy Dance
within my every cell .
It is e x t r a o r d i n a r y .
Alive aligned congruent
at one with the flow
of the Universe .
Resting in, Being in such
a place ~ my Birthright.
Knowing existence .
I have held myself tightly
the echoes of which reverberate
thru me . It is not
now . can you sense
the stillness ~ the world
is waiting . . can you
sense what is to come
The future echoes are here
now the transformation
is taking place within
the cells of the Body
of this earth and all
that it contains . This
one Lifeulawareness is
all that is required
be cause your life is
precious .
Slowly, like as the
suns dawning and the
seasons change the
transformation is taking
place . We who know
this can open more
conciousfullly to the
reality of this that is .
Dancing within your heart
and mind and throughout
all your bodies . on all
levels Life i s and
we are all part of
Life which flows through
everything that is,, and all
existence. Allow and
open to the sunrise
in your heart . the Day
is dawning , you are
Alive ~ glorious this is
marvellous surrender
and open to
Knowing this Life
Monday, August 15, 2005
This existence
Wisdom resides in my Vision
Peace resides in my heart
Joy and Peace and love
are the Birthright of all
Knowing this, I understand all Life
Ecstatic Union of Love
in all that is, everything
everywhere ~ dancing for Joy.
Breathing in and breathing out
the one breath of Life
I live within & in between
the worlds and
rejoice for my Life
the heart of all Know all
this is simple Life
opening to Love and joy
in each moment held by
Devine wisdom . This
heart dancing soulsinging
peace Loving powerful
Living space
Trust the Life of
this day as you open
into the perception of
Union with the Devine
one that is all that is
Breathing opening
sinking deeply in to
Love ~ Life