In wobbly tormentuous place
I notice also the place of golden
where there IS Peace & Joy
. . I Breathe into this .
Deeply . Gratefully . . . The sense of
Peace expands and holds me,
Swirls of Beauty & energy around
and through me. It holds
within it, the beauty that fades
and the death that is reborn
anew in different form. This
life is constant Death, surrender
dissolution, and rearrangement
and transformation into new
forms. This Birth life Death
cycle is but one part
of existence. For within, amongst
through all this is the
energetic dance & flow
of life -- constant irrespective
of and independent of anything
else : - This, Life, is,
and I am and everything
is part of and infused by
that Life
Monday, October 03, 2005
Life and death
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Two are become as one
Standing alone I hold the silver staff
Connected with the stars
Feet rooted to the fire of earth
all the universe exists in this moment
Safe, alive, well - powerFull, sufficient
Friday, September 09, 2005
Living and dying, this is life
Peace Peace in
your heart Always
holding the Blessing of
the Devine washing
away all fear
I breath Deeper into the
Knowing of Life and
within this is the
soul solution to
all the problems of Life
Ecstasy is alive in and within
every nuance of Life
the pounding heart , the
waves of life beating on
the shore of my existence
in human form . The
ebb and flow of which is
a miracle in its
unKnowginess . Peace dances
in it's aliveness . . . . Power and
Passion Push their way
through the Layers of
inertia to this place
where I am now
And the drip drip drip
of my soul understanding
gives rise to a peaceful
glory which contains all
dimensions and realities of
existence . Past all
understanding I know
what there is to
Know about Life
In this human body, precious
human body I exist
now in and out of
time & space, experiencing
the Devine, Human, spiritual
awakeningness and sleepfulness
opening & closing, Living
and Dying . . This
is Life
Holding and knowing difference to be
Hard edges arise in the world and in your life. It is NOT needed that you change them or sort them all out . - you have them too !! and . . it is OK, also , that when you feel them or too many of them, you choose to turn away from that situation, thing, or relationship . . . be coming simple in the moment . It IS ok that you notice & experience that 'pain', notice that its there . Some people do not even know it is such . . you do O F T E N . . ~ let the dying be such . . the crumbling & someday to the dissolution & dissolving that is also with in Life. Allow the ROAR . . . the raw roar, to also be there . . . Too much & to many times have you held back form that too . . as you have been around other peoples waves of negativity so long . . .~ It is now time, to let this story go . other peoples life pain is NOT yours, and you do not need to enter into, enrol yourself in that being true, nor do you need to persuade them it is not true. It is ok to simply just listen observe - detached -- you do not need to allow yourself to be enrolled in their story, their reality - or even search for a place or places where you can agree, it is simply OK to watch and know it is their truth. nothing to do, or to have to feel bad about it. You can, it is OK, it is your right to feel also the beauty, magic and Big picture . . . Too long you allowed yourself to be pulled into their fear, and often been afraid or felt guilty that that story vision, understanding is not yours. That you see & know the bigger & magical reality. Its OK, it really is OK that you know that. In fact its really important and a rare thing which you need to acknowledge allow and be in more; accept this, for this is who you are. In this way you can be more direct in what you see & know as the truth, because with many people it may very well be different than them. For some will understand and that is & will be a gift for you and for them as you share your heartful, heartfelt vision of the bigger understanding of Life. And you may well be surprised at who goes there & who does not. Blessings to you and for you and those you meet.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Touched by love
I am touched by love
the edges of the universe
all existence right here
right now in this place
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Step into the golden river
As I let go of
the past and clear out
the clutter, I sense a
new energy emerging.
I open to and step into
the golden river
May whatever is in my best &
highest good come to me
fully, powerfully, completely, Joyfully,
easily and quickly (in the
perfect timing). I give thanks
for this my life now
simply being alive . I follow
the joy, the Bliss, of my life
and open to & do the things
I love, and connect
with . and interact with
the people where I get
the most YES .
and within Freedom
Love & compassion I
open to & live ~ expanding
into the rule less Life
unreasonable, passionate, undefended,
powerful, safe.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
The future echoes are here
Holding and Letting go . . .
tight and released. Potential
is alive in ALL things .
Peace and Joy Dance
within my every cell .
It is e x t r a o r d i n a r y .
Alive aligned congruent
at one with the flow
of the Universe .
Resting in, Being in such
a place ~ my Birthright.
Knowing existence .
I have held myself tightly
the echoes of which reverberate
thru me . It is not
now . can you sense
the stillness ~ the world
is waiting . . can you
sense what is to come
The future echoes are here
now the transformation
is taking place within
the cells of the Body
of this earth and all
that it contains . This
one Lifeulawareness is
all that is required
be cause your life is
precious .
Slowly, like as the
suns dawning and the
seasons change the
transformation is taking
place . We who know
this can open more
conciousfullly to the
reality of this that is .
Dancing within your heart
and mind and throughout
all your bodies . on all
levels Life i s and
we are all part of
Life which flows through
everything that is,, and all
existence. Allow and
open to the sunrise
in your heart . the Day
is dawning , you are
Alive ~ glorious this is
marvellous surrender
and open to
Knowing this Life
Monday, August 15, 2005
This existence
Wisdom resides in my Vision
Peace resides in my heart
Joy and Peace and love
are the Birthright of all
Knowing this, I understand all Life
Ecstatic Union of Love
in all that is, everything
everywhere ~ dancing for Joy.
Breathing in and breathing out
the one breath of Life
I live within & in between
the worlds and
rejoice for my Life
the heart of all Know all
this is simple Life
opening to Love and joy
in each moment held by
Devine wisdom . This
heart dancing soulsinging
peace Loving powerful
Living space
Trust the Life of
this day as you open
into the perception of
Union with the Devine
one that is all that is
Breathing opening
sinking deeply in to
Love ~ Life
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Now Know
Wisdom resides in my heart
the Door opens and shuts
one step and the next
I exist one moment to the next
Peace is a state of being
unknown to the mind
all potential exists
where this is and
the ever open heart
Knows all that
And over & over
we look for Life to
open our hearts, when
all along there is
only the open heart
the clouds of illusion
seemingly block the sun
yet always it is there
Bright, shining Joyous
beyond our imaging's.
And in and with the pain
of life's shudderings
we are held and Blessed
always, and it is so
and it is true
peace, peace peace
resolving the knotingness
of our minds attachment
to a forced creationing
of Life. And, at every moment
the Bountifulness of
existence is always
available to our perception
and knowing that
this is Life
So . . . in our day to dayness of
every step We are here now
this is our life now, and
always we will be and are
known by our Knowingness
Open, hearts Beauty, to the
Universal existence, Life,
unfathomable, we rest
in Peace , in Perfection
in Joy , in Love , in
all the Dimensions of
this our life, of this
our existence - resting
in the Breath of who
we are Devine
now Know who
we are
~ CdG
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
opening to life 'last breath'
So . . . opening to Life . . .
I say YES to life . .
Allowing to unfold, the path
ahead . . . opening into that
Peace in that Place of
Wisdom, and Joy & Love
The edge of anger & Fear
cuts like a Knife - Destructive
and, as if by magic the
power in meditation & chanting
seems to Dissolve it and
I am now in a Place
of Full greatfulness and
filled with Love, Peace & love
The Day is here ahead
of me and I pray
for and open up into
the Loving place & way
of being with that, with
All that is here in
my life - all the amazingness
& beauty and the what
I wish for, and more AND
all that is other that I
wishes for . . less than the
ideals or how I would
Like it to be in mine
& others thoughts behaviours
energetic and caring for &
working with the material
& other levels of this
being alive , this being her.
I pray for acceptance, wisdom
& understanding .. and that
I may realise and accept
the amazing great beauty
& bounteousness of the
possibilities of this life AND
the Decaying & crumbling &
Dying that is also life
with all the Pain as
well as the Joy .
may there be healing &
release into the fullness &
Joy, so the limitness of
what is now be transformed
may there be healing &
release of the pain
so it too can be
transformed . so that
I can accept the 'last breath'
And be open to & grateful
for the experience of
Life of living in
this moment by momentness
of each 'last breath' Deaths
that happen in each instant
today . Now.