Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Loosen your grip, surrender, allow, trust
open pray invoke
Live Life
Joyously. do not sell out
for less . Expect the Best
Love guides 24/7

There is only Love
May love melt the fear
And the golden Light of Love
Shine on all I meet
And relate with and
All I do whether
Successful according to what
I would like or not .
may Love be my constant
Core reality ~

The solid surety of the
Power of Love
Fills me & fills my day.
Returning again & again to
Rest in the knowingnessOf this truth of Life

Friday, July 02, 2004


Anything’s possible
I’m here to serve
openness clarity Connection

Peace peace is here
now I am in a
space of relaxation
and gratitude . How
amazing to have that
Be SO present . .
nothing to do .. having
done nothing … I simply
am h e r e ----

I could put my attention
On anything and it will be
Successful …. It will be possible

Great Trust and
awareness of what is
here n o w . ----

And, if something does not
work , a moment of sadness
and then fear and
then r e l e a s e

again & again release
Letting go THAT is the way

To Let go
Pink of Blessing &
turns to GOLD &

Friday, April 23, 2004


5:10 the first Bird
hardly risen sun
Dawn chorus
the valley becomes alive
beauteous the new day
creeps to life

Thursday, April 22, 2004


From tension and forcedness to
Flow & Joy . With Flow &
Joy is also sadness & Fear
tinge of hate . The energetic I sense
in my Body . That which is
mine , that which is of the world
in the world . Life … seeing life .
the trees alive coming in to
bud, Leaves bursting forth And
as I look at that , already
contained within that is the
Ending of that tree, the life
Force no longer flowing thru
it in that form . the Branches
& trunk will decay, rot, transform
and go into the ground
or be taken off by human, or
other animals , for food or shelter

Humans have too the gift &
possibility of enshrining it
of taking that object, that particular
material form and Being conscious,
grateful , in awe of the life
in that . the Devine nature of
all things , of everything . And so,
Day follows night , and the seasons
Move one to another
and pain, destruction, transformation
are part of Life. And,
whatever you do , the Grand
plan & Big Vision Fullfilled, or
the ‘small acts’ of living, interacting
one with another , I t will all
pass , your life will pass .

Is your
life now how you would
like it to be ? Maybe yes,
maybe no & Even with what
you do and all material things
being exactly as you would
like, or not yet, Do you
have a kindly, compassionate
attitude to your Life ? To you
as you are, as you have been .
So too other people & Beings.

It’s hard sometimes, when I really
look at how the world is
and all the Destruction it contains,
when I really look at me, at
the reality of how I am, how
I hold myself the not beautiful,
the un resolved, the aggressive &
painful parts & places . I hear a
plane going over, I see the things
I have which have been made
with such great cost to & pollution
of the planet . I feel the scream
of NO , and … what if I
were to really feel that,
what would I experience
would my heart break, would
I want to kill myself in shame
& guilt disgust, would I live
and become a hermit , nomad
earth dweller . Yet the lie of that …?
Is that coping out ..? Can I breathe
In consciousness . Each Breath
with Love gratitude compassion
being present to what is,
accepting what is, allowing what
is … and … praying for ..
Peace .

To see & love a tree
may be easy . Can I see &
love the planet as it is, and
the people, who in pain &
ignorance and Fear cause that violence & pain

I choose the way of love
and am open to feel
what it is that is
Needed for me to feel,
as I am held and
guided by love , by the Christ
and all unseen Beings – I give thanks for Life


Saturday, February 28, 2004


Tee-ah-pe-way - wisdom comes form the depths

Eh-kee-no - establish your presence

Es-two-dah - the wise awaken

underground the river runs strong
utilise the force for growth and
goodness. Peace be to all
Blessings be to all
here in this land, in this place
is a surge of energy connection
a possibility of arising

Do not be Dazzled
by the Bright glitter of Fame
of making it. All will be provided
all will be revealed
let peace Descend in
your heart

Let wisdom and Beauty
and strength arise from
your Beingness, from
Being who you are
connected with the one
with the Devine manifestation
of love the essence of
the Universe of all things

This is the way of life
of its unfolding and your
understanding you will
Know more you will
Know who you are
remember who you are
peace to all peace to all
P e a c e t o a l l
Joy to all, Joy to all
J o y t o a l l

Love is manifest in each moment
L o v e is ~
Joy is manifest in each
and every cell and atom
and particle of material existence
and in everything between & Beyond
the conceivable,
all and everything
moves with the life
B r e a t h o f Love
the pulse of life the
In breathing & out breathing
SUCH L o v e

CdG 28 Feb 2004

Monday, January 26, 2004


stillness is somewhere around
the edges of Peace elude me.
tension, from long ago surfaces
I move it through I Breathe
I sound in to it’s crystallised energy
Peace, I Breathe in Peace
and Let go . Letgo of
my expectations, of how it ‘should’
be. And the world comes Knocking
on my Door “wake up”, “go to sleep”
it’s many and multitudinous messages
and still I Breathe
simple in & out
one Breath at a time
no matter what state I am in
still I Breathe and also

Devine Love ripples of Love
awaken my soul to a new Day
this blank canvas, upon which
I have, already, made some sketches
see different colours already filled in.
as I Breath out I clear
the space again & again
and Deeper now I Breathe in.
Can you hear the sound
of Love echoing in your ears
can you hear the wall talking
Singing their song. All of
existence , all of creation, everything
that is sings the song of Life
When you Listen carefully
Lovefully wishfully -- Thirsty
For Love , not wanting or needing
so thirsty that Love is all
that exists in all there is.

What of ‘Life’ and all the ‘tasks’ ?
still be thirsty, as you do
what is there for you to do
in this particular time with
This particular Body you have
within this culture you live in
with the awareness you have.

Sing your song, Learn it well,
with in the choruses of all the
other songs there are now.
Value your song value who
You are Breathe in …
Breathe out …
Rest & Know
Peace be in all

Thursday, January 22, 2004


Wisdom comes from Knowing the Truth
Peace comes from accepting what is
wisdom peace alive Love
Today this Day your Life
you are alive and
all along you are the one
you have been waiting for
What you see in others
what you experience in
yourself is a reflection of
who you are . Like
Holographic crystals layer upon
layer like sheets of Mica
floating around, arranging &
re arranging this is who
you are, this is the
constant changing of your Life

On some days the layers are
Stacked thicker and many &
Multiple images present, sometimes
Stacked in one pile, sometimes
only partly over lapping, or overlapping
of several piles. On some days
the light pours thru stronger
and you see clearly the
images . The images are the
recordings of your life times
experience, Some things you
do create a clear crystal
empty space Vibrant Shinny
dazzaly in its nothingness.
Some of the crystals memory images
fade some are covered by a
dark film or are opaque so that no matter
how strong the light the
image cannot be seen

When the empty crystal of empty space
is present, like the most marvellous
Jewel, the life recording crystals
past & future, arrange around the
edge like so many jewels
the constant dance and
arrangement & re arrangement
of the crystals is magical
is mysterious. and in an
instant change. the light of
love, the absence of light .. fear

in the absence of light all the
crystals are there you Know
this on some deep level . the
only thing is you cannot see them
and … saying YES to the
powerful pinpoint of light
expands this into an
explosion of light
all around NO SOURCE

Light illumines all there is
and the Dance of life goes on
you see the Dance that
you live that is
your Life
Peace FULL
the pain Full pieces are
part of the Peace/Piece Process
in the Journey to
u n d e r s t a d n d i n g
the whole ness
what seems like nothing
is everything ~